Monday 29 October 2012

Treatment of Paedophiles in China compared to Canada

   In China, the age of consent is fourteen years of age, the age of marriage for females is 20, and for males 22. Earlier laws declared the age of marriage to be between 12 and 16. Depictions of sexual relations with children can be found in both modern and ancient Chinese literature. Children are seen as natural sexual beings and it is said that it is healthy for a child to experience erotic stimulation. Today in a hospital in China's biggest city, 30% of abortions are school-aged girls. 

   An online poll of sex offenders shows that many foreign travelers chose China as the number one destination to have un-consensual sex. Currently, China has no laws established against homosexual rape. Although many reports have been brought forward, law enforcement cannot act. 

   In China, employers have to pay out of pocket HK$160 to preform a background check on an employee. Because of this, many employers do not preform background checks. Many teachers and teaching aids working with children were found to be previously convicted for sexual offenses between 2006 and 2010. The Against Child Abuse organization urges the Chinese government to introduce mandatory background checks for all employers and employees working in child care. 

   Today in China, the numbers of reports of sexual abuse have risen as have the number of female sexual offenders. China now wants to reform laws to prevent sexual crimes from reoccurring, and has adopted the idea of separate sentencing; creating a new facility for sexually offending inmates. China is also beginning to establish mandatory treatment programs for sexual offenders.

Rape: 3-10 years
Rape of women and minors viciously: 10 years - life
Rape causing death: 10 years - life
Sodomy against a minor under the age of 14: Max. 5 years
Sodomy against a minor under the age of 14 in public: Min. 5 years
Child Prostitution: Max. 5 years
Child Prostitution (serious offenders): life or death penalty
Child Porn (production, sale, or spreading): 3 years plus forced labor

China VS. Canada:
China and Canada are very different with how they treat pedophiles and sex offenders. China is beginning to adopt some of the laws that Canada has established for many years. 

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